My First Blog Post - Welcome!

Hello and welcome to my Blog!  😎

For years, I have wanted to start a blog.  At first, I was unsure what I would write about then I worried I would not have the time to keep up with it.  Then I realized that we are in the middle of a pandemic with no end in sight and I need something to keep me sane! 😜  

I have also found myself drawn to book bloggers and want to be a part of this community.  I look forward to getting to know more of you and making new friends while picking up suggestions for my ever-growing "to-be-read list." 

Why start now? For as long as I can remember books have been my go-to escape and constant companion (yes, I always have one on my person and an audiobook in my car's CD player).  As my 'About Me' section states, my fondest memories as a child are of spending my mornings at my hometown public library waiting for the community pool to open (they were next-door neighbors). Then spending my afternoons at the pool and staying up late into the night to read "just one more page.Now, I read to relax, reduce my stress level, and continue learning.  I am an academic at heart.  😉  

With this blog, I plan to post honest reviews of the books I read.  I am currently working towards my 2020 reading goal of 40 books read within a calendar year on Goodreads (this website is a must for avid readers).  I met my original reading goal months ago and kept upping it since there was more time.  However, I have decided to stop changing my goal and see how far above my current goal I can go. 😀  

My hope is that through this blog, others are encouraged to read more and find the books they love.  I welcome discussion, thoughts, book recommendations, and new ideas.   

Connect with me via GoodreadsInstagram @drkristinmmauro, and on Twitter @bookschangedmylife.  

Thank you in advance for reading my blog, and watch for my first three book reviews soon.  I will be reviewing Harlan Coben's Missing You, Sue Monk Kidd's The Book of Longings, and John Grisham's Camino Winds.

Happy Reading! 


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