BLOG BREAK TO FOCUS ON MY HEALTH: April 19 - May 14, 2023

Hello! I have difficult news to share. However, after much contemplation, I feel like honesty is the best path forward. Please know that I am a people pleaser at heart and this level of vulnerability is difficult for me yet important because I enjoy working with you and want our relationship to continue. In the grand scheme of things, this is a blip, and I will be back. This past October I was diagnosed with an early stage of breast cancer. My treatment plan was to have a lumpectomy then radiation. It didn't turn out to be that easy. I underwent three lumpectomies and was finally cleared to begin radiation treatment. My radiation treatment began last week, and I will undergo 3 more weeks of treatment. With an additional two weeks in which I may not feel 100%. So far, I am experiencing more side effects than I had anticipated. Funny, how cancer treatment reminds us we are human and none of this is in our control. 🤣🤣🤣 You may be wondering w...