Review: Keep Your Friends Close

Keep Your Friends Close
By: Janelle Harris
347 Pages
Published October 5, 2020
Lake Union Publishing
Source: Net Galley

Note:  I received this book directly from the publisher via Net Galley to facilitate my review. All opinions are my own and I received no other compensation. 

Synopsis from GoodReads:

Darcy Hogan’s perfect life is all over social media. She’s beautiful, she’s successful, and she and her childhood sweetheart are about to become parents for the first time. But behind all the followers and the superficial likes lurks a darker truth…

In reality, Darcy feels isolated and afraid. Her difficult pregnancy has her confined to the house, she’s being harassed online, and out-of-control debt threatens to ruin everything she’s worked so hard for.

When her husband is summoned away on business, Darcy’s cabin fever soon spirals into fear. Who is making mysterious phone calls and knocking on her door? Is it an old friend trying to reach out—or a stranger determined to push in?

As her due date creeps closer, Darcy feels ever more certain that someone is out to get her. She’s desperate to get away—but is she running from the right person?

This is the first Janelle Harris book I have read and I must say I enjoyed this book.  From the start, I was drawn into it.  I found myself needing to know more and loving each little morsel of information that was given to us.  The plot is interesting and we quickly learn that all of the characters first met during their days at boarding school.  Fast forward 20 years and one of them is out for revenge.  This book is their story of revenge except it does not turn out as the protagonist hoped or imagined.  Then again, does it ever?  

There were some slow parts in the middle once I'd figured out the major plot twist.  Yet not slow enough that I disengaged.  Overall, this is a solid book that had me wondering who I may have unknowingly wronged while in high school and whether something like this would really happen in real life.  

While no spoiler alerts here, I encourage you to pick this book up when it comes out in October.  Overall rating 4/5 stars.


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