Review: All The Lies

All The Lies 
215 pages
September 22, 2020
Source: BookSirens

Note: I received this book directly from the publisher via BookSirens to facilitate my review.  All opinions are my own and I receive no other compensation. 

Synopsis from GoodReads: 

On the surface, Amy and Jason have the perfect marriage, but Amy is trapped in a nightmare with a controlling, violent husband. Then on a short cruise without Jason, Amy befriends Liz, a young woman travelling alone on her way to meet her birth mother for the first time. Liz looks so much like Amy that they could be sisters.

When Amy regains consciousness after a terrible accident that takes the lives of many passengers, she finds that because of a mix-up in personal effects, everyone believes she is Liz. Only she knows it is Liz who has gone missing, presumed dead. Now, Amy has to make the most important decision of her life: tell the truth and return to a life of fear or become Liz for a while, until she figures out an escape plan.

But as Amy settles into Liz’s life, she finds that not everyone believes all the lies.

And she is only one mistake away from paying the price.

This is the very first book I have read on my new Kindle!  I have so many physical books that I have put off getting a Kindle.  While reading on my iPad worked, it was not ideal.  I found myself bumping it and losing my place thus spending a lot of time trying to figure out what page I was on and making 0 progress.  Who wants that long term? Not I.  Now that I have my Kindle, I wonder why I waited so long, I love it and it will get a lot of use! 

While it took me a little bit to get into this book, I ended up really liking it.  This book is a quick read with short chapters, which I LOVE! I found this book difficult to get into because of Jason's controlling nature and the extent to which he kept Amy from her family and friends.  I have had friends who have dated "that guy" and I am not a fan of that personality type.  

However, once Amy left to go on the cruise, I was hooked.  She began to relax, enjoy herself, and make new friends.  There were so many twists and turns that I found myself needing to know how the plot would play out.  I did not anticipate the ending and enjoyed how the story ended.  All the different scenarios I imagined never materialized and I would not have it any other way!  I highly recommend this book. 

Overall Rating 🌟🌟🌟🌟


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