WWW Wednesday: December 30

WWW Wednesday is a feature hosted by Sam over at Taking On A World of Words.  My friend, Lori at Palmer’s Page Turners also posts this regularly and I want to give her a shout out too!

The Three W’s are:

What did you just finish reading?

What are you currently reading?

What do you think you’ll read next?

Recently Finished

This Is How I Lied 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟

Currently Reading 

I am happy to report that I am finally into Anxious People and understand why so many folks love it! 
With under 100 pages to go, I am hoping this will be my final book completed of 2020.  

I am half-way through listening to Caught and boy is it getting interesting.  So many possibilities and I can't wait to find out what happened to Hayley.  

I started reading The Woman Outside My Door last weekend.  It is creepy-good and I am hooked, I can't wait to find out if this "New Granny" is real or not, and if someone really is watching them?  

On Deck Are 

The Girl He Used To Know, You Should See Me in a Crown, A Study in Charlotte, The Seven Husbands of Evelyn HugoThe Boys' Club, and High Achiever.  These are all from the library, the first three are for Bookclubs or Buddy Reads I've signed up for.  Two I am waiting to pick up and .  the final three aren't due until March. Yay!  ARCs I plan to read are Let her LieHide in PlaceA Song for Dark Times, and The Last to See Her.

What are you reading?  Have you read any of these? 


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