BOOK REVIEW & GIVEAWAY - The Fate of a Crush by

The Fate of a Crush

by Marie McGrath 

GENRE:   YA Romance

Falling in love with a senior was risky … especially when he was your best friend’s brother.

Allie Duncan started sophomore year with two aspirations, make her school’s volleyball team and keep her crush on Hunter Baylor, her best friend’s brother, a secret. If Mia found out, she would feel betrayed. The crush was useless anyway. Hunter was a star basketball player and she was a nobody. Or so she thought until his attention was piqued after Allie went on the Baylors’ summer vacation. When Hunter goes to homecoming with Allie’s sophomore rival, she’s devastated and her confidence is destroyed, especially after his date tells her the Baylors pity her. Hunter tries to make it up to Allie, which leads to a kiss, leaving Allie confused.

Can she push this crush out of her heart to save her friendship? Or is Hunter worth the risk?


“You have no idea how much I think about you, Allie Duncan.” He said my name almost as a whisper against my skin.           

My body tensed and sent tingles to every spot he touched.

“I-I …” I squeezed my eyes shut and forced myself to say it. “I couldn’t think either. Being that close to you practically drowned all my brain cells and short circuited the wiring. If you had asked me my name, I doubt I would have been able to tell you.

“Good,” he said as he straightened and outstretched his hand.

“What do you mean good?”

“It’s no fun if I’m the only one on the edge.”

I giggled. “You’re terrible.”

“Maybe, but at least I’m honest.”

I received an advance review copy for free and am leaving this review voluntarily. Thank you Marie McGrath and Goddess Fish Promotions. I'm excited to be a part of this tour. Now onto my review! 

If I were to rank favorite Genres, YA Contemporary Fiction would be high on the list. I love this genre for its innocence and ability to confront tough issues with dignity and respect for the characters. The Fate of a Crush is a fun book filled with uncomfortable encounters and doubt about next steps while feeling like you are in an impossible situation.

While I haven’t been to North Carolina, I love books that take place in this part of the US. The scenery sounds amazing, and the vivid explanations help me visualize the environment. The characters are brilliantly written and real. I found myself empathizing with Allie. Falling for you best friend’s older brother at this age is awkward and knowing how to navigate these feelings is difficult. The book is fast paced, and I was hooked from start to finish. The descriptions of Allie and Hunter’s crush was funny yet honest and took me back to my own teen years! I highly recommend this book to anyone who loves a clean story full of hilarious drama. I look forward to reading more from this author! 

Overall Rating: 🌟🌟🌟🌟

AUTHOR Bio and Links:

Marie McGrath lives in a small rural town in Maryland. She hopes to inspire others with her stories. Her favorite genres to read are YA Romance and Contemporary Fiction. She loves the color turquoise, tigers, and listening to music.


Find her on social media:


Amazon buy link:


a Rafflecopter giveaway Marie McGrath will be awarding a $10 Amazon or Barnes and Noble GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour.


  1. Congratulations on tomorrow's release of The Fate of a Crush, Marie, I like the cover and your book sounds like a great one to share with my granddaughter! Good luck with your book and the tour! Thanks for sharing it with me!

    Thanks, Paws. Read. Repeat., for sharing your review!

    Have an awesome week!


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