TEASER - Eat Your Words By Isabel Chiara



Self Help, Body Image, Personal Transformation, Spirituality

Date Published: 03-21-2021

Publisher: Wyrd & Wyld Publishing

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Eat Your Words, my first book, looks at the power of not only how we talk to ourselves but, even more profoundly, the messages we’ve internalized… the ones we might not even be aware of that we’re speaking to ourselves. Thought forms and belief systems are like prebiotics, they set the stage for how we’re digesting—and not only our food, but how we’re digesting the whole of our lives.


“Over the years, I’ve found it better to keep my dietary tendencies to myself  rather than get a sore neck from nodding absently in response to others’ clichéd  insights, suggestions bulleted into easy adages. It’s simple, professed books,  diet gurus, workshop giants, my sister, my mom, and even an occasional  girlfriend I’d confided in. Just eat in moderation. Chew. Just abstain from  eating at night. Always stop when you’re full. Pause between bites. Put your  fork down. (People, what fork?)

I have a whole programming language of eating vernacular. My Eating Words  are anything but easeful—and definitely not enviable. They arrive curtly,  bluntly, front and center. Without question, they are the star of the show, but  they are more than just the star. My Eating Words infect the stage, stain the  curtain, consume the cast, shred the playbill, and undermine the script.

Bitch, you’re going to eat the whole thing anyway, so just eat it. Eat it all fast.  You can’t stop. You can’t put it down. You have to buy it all. I want it all, as  much as I can have. I can’t do anything else until I get it. And get both kinds  because who are you to choose? You don’t choose. I don’t care. You don’t  care. There’s nothing else. Go to the store, then go home catatonically, watch  a Hallmark movie, and pass out. That’s what I want to do.

For two-thirds of my life, I’ve returned to this ceremony, living out the yin and  yang of being cognizant, ambitious, committed to the exercise plan, the  workshop, the healing path, the therapist certification and then camouflaging in  cookies, checking out in chocolate, turning off with tuna. I know I pushed it to  the limit; I learned in the last years of that existence that the time had come. I  took it to the very end, like a drag race, right to the edge of the cliff. I’d lived  out this body response too long. I had no choice but to attempt to gain real  insight, to make actual change.”

About the Author

Isabel Chiara, creator of “The Life Actualization Process,” has been a guide, mentor, and leader throughout her entire life. Over the last thirty years, she has honed her expertise in extensive studies and practices of transformational energy modalities. As a professional intuitive guide, Isabel activates unlimited potential for her clients, helping them to ignite their most liberated, passionate and empowered life path, full of prosperity, miracles, and magic. For more information about Isabel’s “Life Actualization” processes, as well as her previous top-selling book, Eat Your Words, visit her website below!


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