BOOK BLITZ - Who Am I? by Tina Koopersmith, MD



Illustrated by Isabella Smith

Children's / School and Social Issues

Date Published: May 4, 2022

Publisher: MindStir Media

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Who AM I— at our core we can celebrate our uniqueness while also appreciating that as humans we share qualities, virtues, properties of all the elements, of all animate and inanimate objects AND with other humans—WE ARE ONE WITH THE UNIVERSE—like snowflakes no two are alike AND yet like snowflakes, we are just water in another form and identical to all water droplets.


About the Author

Dr. Tina Koopersmith, MD, REI, FACOG, BAIHM, is a board-certified OBGYN and Reproductive Endocrinologist (REI) as well as a board-certified practitioner of Integrative Medicine.

Dr. Koopersmith is a graduate of Duke University and Duke University Medical School.

Tina Koopersmith MD is MORE than a physician, she is also a life and relationship coach, a mom and a perpetual student. She is dedicated to modifying our health care system from one focused on illness and sickness to one devoted to prevention and wellness. For 30 years as a fertility specialist, she focused on bringing life to her patients and now her focus is on bringing her patients to life.


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