BOOK REVIEW + $15 GIVE AWAY - The Park Street Secrets by Yvonne Van Lankveld

The Park Street Secrets

by Yvonne Van Lankveld 

GENRE: Contemporary Fiction

A historic government office and police station in Niagara Falls, Ontario is redeveloped into seven condominiums. Some new residents have ties to its cultural heritage, while others bring secrets to keep there.

Siblings Lily and Rose must cohabit for one year or lose their inheritance, despite their animosity toward each other. Gracie Sheehan is determined to make a fresh start after many unexpected events force her to question her values and life goals. Young lovers move down the hall from a self-serving customs broker who always gets whom and what he wants.

Mix these unique characters with a medley of others, add a building manager with secrets of his own, and discover how Park Street becomes a chaotic blend of love, betrayal and the need for human connection.

 Exclusive Excerpt:

After his deli trip and visit with his mother, Sonny drove to Park Street. He emptied the trash in the public garbage bin on the street near the front of the building. It was installed as an incentive for people passing by to use it rather than throwing trash on the street, but he felt it also detracted from the building’s prestige. He set the bag beside the outside door to the furnace room. Garbage day wasn’t for two days, so he double bagged it and tied it tightly to store in his furnace room in the hopes that rodents wouldn’t rummage through it.

Sonny walked around the perimeter of the building cleaning up debris. A young unkempt woman, who was leaning against the building, was as frightened to see him as he was to find her. He was ready to order her to move on until he saw the fresh bruises around her eyes, which were streaked and crusted with old mascara. She might look like a sex worker, he thought, but she is still some mother’s child. He coaxed her out from between the bushes and asked her if she had somewhere to go. She was leery of his motives, so she said nothing.

“Look, I have four kids about your age. And a wife.” 

I received an advance review copy for free and am leaving this review voluntarily. Thank you Yvonne Van Lankveld and Goddess Fish Promotions. I'm excited to be a part of this tour.

This is my first and won't be my last book by this author. I loved every minute of this twisty tale. The reader is immediately immersed in the lives of the eclectic group of people who live in this renovated historic government building. Each person has their reasoning for moving here and the reader is taken on one adventure after another as they characters live their lives. The writing style and pacing are perfect. I was engaged from start to finish and stayed up too late reading this. Once I started, I couldn’t stop and read it in one sitting.

This book is well written, and the characters are brilliant. Each one adds to the depth of the story while we hunt for Stacey's captor. The descriptions are vividly written and had my heart pounding from start to finish. I was engaged and did not want this story to end. I highly recommend this book to all thriller lovers; you won't be disappointed!   

Overall Rating: 🌟🌟🌟🌟 

AUTHOR Bio and Links:

Yvonne Van Lankveld's love of words began in childhood. As a nurse, her writing skills earned her

acclaim in many clinical settings, however she never lost her desire to become an author. 

The Park Street Secrets is her second novel, which she wrote during the pandemic. Her first book, The Road to Alright was originally published in 2019. She is working on her third fiction novel, Follow Polly's Lane. Yvonne lives in Ridgeville, Ontario with her husband. 



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Yvonne Van Lankveld will be awarding a $15 Amazon or B/N GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour.

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Replies
    1. Hope you get to read it, Rita.

  2. Congratulations on your recent release of Park Street Secrets, Yvonne, great excerpt and I enjoyed following the tour and learning about your book, which sounds like a fascinating and thrilling read for me to enjoy! Good luck with your book and I hope the tour was a success!

    Thanks for sharing it with me and have a magical holiday season!

    1. Thank you, Stormy, for your kind words - hope your holiday season is filled with happiness, and some reading good reads!

  3. Thanks for sharing your thoughts, Paws.Read.Repeat, and have a magical holiday season!

  4. Happy Friday! Thank you for sharing your thoughts on The Park Street Secrets, this sounds like an excellent character-driven story and I am looking forward to reading it myself

  5. Thanks very much, Bea!

  6. Thank you so much for the 4 star rating on your review, and the positive comments. You made my weekend full of joy!


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