BOOK REVIEW + $25 Gift Card GIVE AWAY - The Peninsula by Amy Craig


The Peninsula

by Amy Craig 

GENRE: Romantic Suspense 

Hadley lost her sister to cancer. When an explosion puts her in the middle of a family squabble, Johann asks for a week of discretion to protect his brother. Torn between her research and the loneliness in his gaze, she agrees, but family dynamics upend her understanding of loyalty.


Sunlight streamed through the mini blinds in Hadley’s room. She rubbed her eyes and marveled at sleeping through the night’s restorative effects. Bumping her wounded forearm against the side table, she swore, thought of Johann, and swung her feet over the side of the bed. I promised myself I would play nice.

Padding down the stairs in a T-shirt and a pair of drawstring pants, she found Gary and Johann glaring at each other over granola yogurt. Johann’s biceps strained the sleeves of an undershirt. When he wore a suit, ignoring his body was a lot easier. She opened a cabinet. “Did anyone make coffee?”

“No.” Gary ground out his response.

She considered her friend’s bedhead and the dark purple shadows beneath his eyes. “Rough night at the club, Gar-Bear?”

He sat straighter and brushed his hair from his eyes. “If we brought home company, I thought we agree to text.”

She dumped grounds in the coffee pot, pushed the brew button, and dropped into a chair between the two men “I told you about him.”

Gary scanned the man. “He doesn’t look like a guardian angel.”

She glanced at the scar on Johann’s cheek and the shadow of stubble darkening his chin. Pulling the granola closer, she opened the box “He does not.”

Johann cleared his throat. “I’m right here.”

She stole Gary’s empty bowl and filled it with granola for herself. “However, he has a stake in a pharmaceutical company.”

Gary slid the yogurt across the table. “Really?”

“Right here,” Johann said.

She grinned.

I received an advance review copy for free and am leaving this review voluntarily. Thank you Amy Craig and Goddess Fish Promotions. I'm excited to be a part of this tour.

This is my first book by this author and not my last! The premise of this book is intriguing and piqued my curiosity. This is an engaging romantic suspense novel. I enjoyed the author's ability to spin an intense mystery. Filled with twists and turns you won’t see coming. The bad actor isn’t immediately obvious but slowly emerges as the story unfolds.

The characters are well developed and play well off one another which made for an enjoyable read. They also add a level of depth that made the story more compelling. The setting is well described and vivid. I felt like I was experiencing the story alongside the characters.  

I highly recommend and am looking forward to more from this author.

Overall Rating: 🌟🌟🌟🌟 

AUTHOR Bio and Links:

Amy Craig lives in Louisiana with her family and a small menagerie of pets. She writes contemporary romances featuring intelligent heroines. She can't always vouch for the men. In her spare time, she plays tennis and expands her husband’s honey-do list. Before pursuing writing, she worked as an oilfield engineer, project manager, and incompetent waitress. For more information and giveaways, visit











Amy Craig will be awarding a $25 Amazon/BN GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour.


a Rafflecopter giveaway


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