RELEASE BLITZ + $25 Gift Card GIVE AWAY - Spiritual Writing by Deborah Levine Herman


From Inspiration to Publication

2nd Edition

Inspiration & Personal Growth, Publishers & Publishing Industry

Date Published: 12.05.2022

Publisher: Micro Publishing Media

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Spiritual Writing from Inspiration to Publication 2nd Edition is an inspiring, motivating, and captivating look at the spiritual life and the falling to write. It is based on the premise that there are writers who write because they want to and those who write because they have to. Spiritual writers are drawn to the process by a sense of mission. However, the spiritual writer’s mission and the realities of publishing are often at odds. This unique book provides the nuts and bolts and dos and don’ts of how to get published in this often-misunderstood arena. The author updated this second edition to include the digital world and the expanded opportunities this brings for nontraditional publishing.

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