AUTHOR INTERVIEW + International Multi Prize GIVE AWAY
Jonny Thompson
4, 2022
Chantry Publishing House
404 pages
Book Summary:
After a 200-day suspension, all that Sergeant Adam Jennings wanted was a win on his return to the Global Investigation Bureau (GIB). But when a simple warehouse fire begins to look more like a homicide investigation, he is forced to watch as the entire case begins to unravel, slowly revealing the dark underbelly of a world that should not exist. Saddled with an unwanted new partner, and a tarnished reputation, Jens is forced to tread a thin line between right and wrong as he tries to discover just what the truth really is.
Author Interview:
Do you snack while writing?
not usually just always have a water beside me.
Favorite snack?
and tomato focaccia with cheddar cheese slice, or a clementine if they are in
How did you decide to write Ash and Sun?
think it was perfect storm, I had the time during the pandemic and set a goal
to write a thousand words a day. I’d also recently heard some good advice,
which was the only way to write a book is to sit down and write. So, I had a
few ideas I’d been sitting on for a while and one of them was a crime, sci/fi
trilogy and I’ve always enjoyed the story arc of a trilogy, so I decided I
wanted to do that.
Where do you write?
on my computer in a comfy chair with a lap desk. I’m sure it’s not ergonomically
great but I find it comfortable and also means I can usually do it anywhere.
Do you write every day?
try to write a little everyday although I find life can get in the way
sometimes. But if I’m not writing new words for a story I’m usually editing another
one. I like to keep a couple projects on the go so that I can always keep my
brain moving forward with different ideas.
What is your writing schedule?
mornings are my favourite. I’m still working on being a really early morning
person, but I find I can usually get 2-4 hours of work in before I need to go
do something else.
What advice would you give a new writer?
can be fixed in editing. But you can’t edit something that isn’t written down.
What was the highlight of having your book published?
think the writing and publishing part of the book was the highlight for me. Now
that the book exists in the world it is for everyone else. Some people might
like it and some people might dislike it. But I’ll still get to be happy that I
did it.
Author Bio:
Jonny Thompson is a writer and performer living in Ponamogoatitjg/Dartmouth, NS with his partner Hilary and their delightfully entertaining dog Henry. Jonny was born in England and grew up in the traditional lands of the Anishinabewaki and Attiwonderonk nations now St. Marys, Ontario. Jonny attended Dalhousie University, where he received a BA in Theatre. He’s worked professionally for over 12 years, including 5 years performing young audience puppet shows worldwide with Mermaid Theatre of NS. He’s also worked on various stage and television productions and has written and directed a couple of short films. Over the past few years, Jonny has been exploring the world of novel writing and he is excited to share with you some of the stories he’s been developing. Thank you for reading!
Author Links:
Book Links:
prize: $10 gift card Amazon and a digital copy of Ash and Sun
prize: Digital copy of Ash and Sun
prize: Digital copy of Ash and Sun
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