BOOK BLITZ + $25 Gift Card GIVE AWAY - Raven, Romda and Ravai: Malketh and the Undead, Vol.2 by Dave Maruszewski


Raven, Romda and Ravai: Malketh and the Undead, Vol.2

by Dave Maruszewski 

GENRE: Middle Grade, Fantasy

Raven, Romda and Ravai are settling into their new knightly duties well. With the Dark Beast defeated, their normal tasks almost seem mundane.


Amidst the boredom, Ravai asks, “Why does no one talk about villains from the past?”


Romda reasons, “What would be the point?”


There is a point. Even though villains may have been defeated in the past, they may still be around, waiting in the background ready to resurface once again.


Malketh has returned to the kingdom, but something is different about him this time. He is back with an entire army … an entire army of undead soldiers!


“Whether you want to read this aloud to your little one or let them explore this magical world on their own, parents can rest assured that this second installment in the Raven, Romda, and Ravai series will be a playful, whimsical addition to their bookshelves.” –The Book Review Directory


“… the squires are appealing characters, as is their comical banter.” - Blue Ink Review


A great story for the fantasy loving youth, this adventure will appeal to those who like action and humor in an easy reading environment.



Ravai said with almost a stone face, “We need to get back to shore.  I’m not sure that snake is dead.”


The two swam probably twice as fast as they did when they were racing.  Both were exhausted when they made it to the shore.  They walked onto the small sandy shore, then both plopped down on their backs gasping at any available air.


After Raven finally caught his breath, he said to Ravai, “I have to admit, you handle yourself well in a fight.”


“Yeah,” Ravai agreed. “That was a sweet move with the shield, too.  I mean from you.”


Raven responded, “Thanks.”


Ravai looked down at his leg and became alarmed, “Oh no!”


Raven worried and asked, “What?”


Ravai noted, “I lost the dagger!  Darn, that was my favorite!”


Raven responded again, “Don’t worry.  I’ll buy you a new one for saving me.  I have some extra money that I was going to use on a good shield.  Apparently, they come in handy.”


Ravai laughed, and graciously declined. “Nah, it’s okay.  You can just tell everyone how great I was in the fight.”


Raven said, “Something tells me that you’ll beat me to it.”


From that day on, the two became friends…


Ravai looks at Raven and acknowledges, “I guess that was the first time that we teamed up.  Hmm.”


Raven then says to Ravai, “Look, I was talking with Romda.  She thinks we can win, and to be honest, I’m starting to believe her.”


Ravai says back to Raven, “Yeah, I just don’t want to lose.”


Raven replies, “This, I know.”


Ravai says, “Not that.  I just don’t want to lose … people.”


AUTHOR Bio and Links:


Dave Maruszewski is blessed with a great family.  He was originally inspired to write stories by his wife and son.  

He strives to develop stories with sound moral values that will be enlightening as well as entertaining to youths and adults.  The Raven, Romda and Ravai books are targeted especially for children who shy away from reading.  His stories are created from an accumulation of experience from careers/backgrounds as a physicist, engineer, teacher, artist, video game designer and software developer. 

In between writing stories and running his own company, Digital Tumult (, Dave enjoys video games, watching internet videos and hanging out with his family.









One randomly chosen winner via rafflecopter will win a $25 Amazon/ gift card.

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Thank you for having me this week :)

  2. Do you keep to a writing schedule, or just whenever you have time?

    1. I try to schedule a certain amount of time per week. However, it can get put off. Like these last few weeks before book launch , I use to market more than write. I'll get back to scheduled time in about a month :-)

  3. I like the sound of this book. Got it on the TBR list


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