BOOK REVIEW - We Are Family by Beth Moran


We Are Family

Thirty-three-year-old Ruth Henderson and her daughter Maggie have some hard choices to make. Following the tragic death of Maggie’s father, they are left with a mountain of debt and broken hearts. So, despite her vow never to return home after the fall-out from her teenage pregnancy, Ruth can’t see any option other than for the two of them to move back in with her parents.

Going home means many things – finally confronting her estranged father, navigating her mother’s desperate need to make everything ok despite the wobbles in her own marriage, not to mention helping a still-grieving Maggie to settle into a new school, find new friends, and stop expressing her emotions through her ever-changing hair colour.

What Ruth needs are friends, but she abandoned her childhood ones when she left all those years ago. Luckily for Ruth, they haven’t abandoned her. Slowly she lets herself be embraced by a group of women who have always had her back – even when she didn’t know it. And as the grief and shock recede, Ruth can even begin to imagine sharing her life with someone other than just Maggie – if Maggie will let her.

I received an advance review book for free and am leaving this review voluntarily. Thank you Beth Moran, Netgalley, and Rachel's Random Resources. I'm excited to be a part of this tour.

This is my first book by this author and won’t be my last! The writing style flows easily, and I found myself fully immersed from start to finish. In We are Family, we meet Ruth recently widowed and in a huge financial mess. Forced to move back in with her parents when she impulsively tells her boss off and quits. Her teenage daughter Maggie returns home from school. Feeling as if her life has fallen apart, Ruth is struggling with the ramifications of her decisions.

To make ends meet, Ruth takes on two part-time jobs. The money she earns barely scratches the surface in paying off her inherited debt. With the support of her mother, Ruth begins to find her footing and begins making new friends. As Ruth comes into her own, her relationship with her daughter improves. I loved seeing these two become closer.

I love books that dive deeply into family dynamics and how they interact with one another. The generational aspect added a depth that kept me intrigued and wanting more. The backstories brought the characters to life and gave me all the “feels”. The story plunges the reader into dark and difficult topics. The author does an excellent job of handling these topics with compassion and empathy. This story is so good, you will find yourself thinking about it long after the last page.

Overall Rating: 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟

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Author Bio –

Beth Moran is the award-winning author of ten contemporary fiction novels, including the top ten

bestseller Just the Way You Are and #1 bestseller Let It Snow. Her books are set in and around Sherwood Forest, where she can be found most mornings walking with her spaniel Murphy. She has the privilege of also being a foster carer to teenagers and enjoys nothing better than curling up with a pot of tea and a good story.

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